The list of EDIFACT Message Implementation Guidelines can be found below.
The latest version is based on UN-EDIFACT Directory D10.A
The D.97A Directory – Earlier versions are available upon request.


You are free to download the Guidelines.
In case your company is not a member of EDIFICE we ask to leave your contact details below.
This will allow you to receive an answer to the questions you might have.

EDIFICE thanks you for your trust.

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Your Company Email (required)

ATHSTS EDAS10568.6 KiB2273
BORDERS EDBO10701.3 KiB2367
DELFOR EDDF101.0 MiB3099
DELJIT EDDJ10626.8 KiB2123
DESADV EDDS101.1 MiB4666
IFTMAN EDAN10720.9 KiB2366
IFTMIN EDTI101.3 MiB4924
IFTSTA EDST10857.3 KiB3519
INVOIC EDIN101.3 MiB3885
INVRPT EDFI10732.7 KiB2598
INVRPT EDID10523.3 KiB1887
INVRPT EDSD10488.4 KiB2149
ORDCHG EDOC101.3 MiB1578
ORDERS EDPO101.3 MiB2171
ORDRSP EDOR101.2 MiB2297
PRICAT EDPC10838.5 KiB2296
QUOTES EDQT10767.7 KiB2078
RECADV EDRC10966.9 KiB2237
REMADV EDRM10585.6 KiB2229
REQOTE EDRQ10834.1 KiB1486
SBIINV EDSB101.2 MiB1874
SERSEG Edss10229.3 KiB2009
SLSRPT EDSL10686.5 KiB2610
SSDCLM EDSC10597.2 KiB3101
SSDRSP EDSR10549.0 KiB2626
Time Zone Utilisation188.7 KiB1843


Message Type




Authorisation Status ATHSTS EDAS10 EDIFICE Message
Delivery Forecast DELFOR EDDF10
Delivery Just-in-Time DELJIT EDDJ10
Despatch Advice DESADV EDDS10
International Forward & Transport Message, Arrival Notice IFTMAN EDAN10
International Forward & Transport Message, Instruction IFTMIN EDTI10
International Multimodal Status Report Message IFTSTA EDST10
Inventory Report  (Distri to Supplier) INVRPT DtoS EDID10
Inventory Report (Forecasting) INVRPT FIM EDFI10
Inventory Report (Supplier to Distri) INVRPT StoD EDSD10
Order Response ORDRSP EDOR10
Price Catalogue PRICAT EDPC10
Purchase Order ORDERS EDPO10
Purchase Order Change ORDCHG EDOC10
Purchase Order, Blanket ORDERS (Blanket) EDBO10
Quotation QUOTES EDQT10
Receiving Advice RECADV EDRC10
Remittance Advice REMADV EDRM10
Request for Quote REQOTE EDRQ10
Sales Report SLSRPT EDSL10 EDIFICE Structure
Self-Billing Invoice SBIINV EDSB10
Service Segments SERSEG EDSS10
Ship From Stock & Debit Claim SSDCLM EDSC10 EDIFICE Message
Ship From Stock & Debit Request SSDRSP EDSR10 EDIFICE Message
Traditional Invoice INVOIC EDIN10